Thursday, 31 December 2009

New Years Resolutions

Decided to share with you some of my New Years Resolutions.

1. Reduce my mileage
2. Do a minimum of 2 hours of exercise a day
3. Make 10 new friends
4. Increase my profile
5. Drive in a fuel efficient manner
6. Drink less beer
7. Eat less junk food
8. Keep in touch more with friends and family
9. Swim more often
10. Eat more fruit and veg

Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Mary Robinson

Was pleasing to see Mary Robinson's openness about her decision to stand down from Parliament due to depression.

Depression is a horrible illness that eats the person from the very inside of there soul.

All to often Mental Illness is stigmatised in the UK so Mary Robinson's decision to go public is helpful.

Alistair Campbell, Tony Bliar's media guru has done much to highlight many of the issues associated with Mental Illness.

Monday, 28 December 2009

Sometimes it dangerous being in public life

Two incidents highlighted the very real dangers that figures in public life face in past month.

Firstly their was the attack on the Prime Minister of Italy with a stone model of Milan Cathderal which resulted in him having to spend two nights in hospital.

Then on Xmas Eve a woman tried to attack Pope just before mid night Mass.

Althrough no major injury happened on both these occassions it is a stark reminder of the risk that public figures take ever day.

Friday, 11 December 2009

EURIM and travel

Went to a really interesting meeting yesterday evening at the House of Commons where Eurim was holding a meeting looking at the how the use of technology can lead to cost savings and improved public services.

A speaker from Blackberry gave a presentation on how Portsmouth NHS Trust midwifes now use a digital pen to handle admin ensuring a a smooth clinic audit trail and freeing up time to enable more patient contact.

Blackberry also provides a case studies as to how Glasgow City Council use of Blackberries for its Social Services Team provided a return on investment of 13 days.

Allowing Care workers to have instant access to clients details allowing for the real time flow of information and other benefits such as lone worker protection.

My journey back from London was quite eventful as a man had committed suicide at Ilford which meant the trains were not running as normal.

One of the results of this was the train I was on was packed and made and extra stop at Shenfield joining us for the journey was a charming young lady from Billericay who had spent the evening in bars in the west end.

Together with the off duty police man we had a very assussing trip between Liverpool St and Shenfield which certainly made travelling by train more interesting than normal.

Finally got into Norwich at 01:48 and to bed at 03:00hrs hence the sleep in.

About to head off to Sainsburys to do the Xmas shop.

Friday, 4 December 2009

The truth is out there

Among the things that caught my ear on tonights news include the decision after 50 years of the MOD to close it UFO department.

Since in 50 years the UK has not had attacks by extra terrestials I think this particular cut will have no detrimental effect on national security.

Some of the files made public from the UFO department included :

1) A woman who reported being approached by an Alien with a Scandinavian accent near Norwich in 1989
2) Sightings of UFO in London in 1993 which turned out to be an airship advertising the Ford Mondeo

Ironically this year has seen a more than tripling of reported UFO sightings.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Super Lorries

You may well have seen on the news today about Denby Transport's attempt to use a 25.25m long lorry.

They are many benefits of this type of truck being allowed to operate on the UK's roads for a start there is the economic argument that a larger lorry will be able to move a bigger load in one go thus reducing the cost of the transport element of products in shops.

Also given the road use is contributor to climate change this type of lorry will also help that as less lorry miles will be needed to move the same amount of volume of goods.

Of course not all routes will suitable for the truck but for runs from factories which are normally in industrial areas to out of town supermarkets its just the job.

World Aids Day

Today is World Aids Day last year for World Aids Day I handed out Condoms with Dhiverse a Cambridgeshire based Sexual Health Charity.

Aids like so many medical conditions has much sigma against those who fall victim to it.

This morning I read about some suffers lives here

Since 1981 over 25 million people have died of AIDS.

Sex Education has key role in preventing the spread of HIV.