Wednesday, 12 May 2010

UK now under Con Dem

7 years ago I took the decision to resign from the Liberal Democrats as the left of Centre Party that I joined in 1990 which was so opposed to the Tories had changed into a Centre Right Tory lite Party.

Today the Lib Dems now prop up the Tory Administration in the UK Government not really a great surprise as telling the Lib Dems apart from the Tory Party for the past few years has been increasingly hard.

Will be interesting to see how many Lib Dems now cross the floor and join the Labour Party.

Looking at a post from well known Lib Dem activist and Blogger Nick Starling it might be sooner then you think.


  1. Were you not expelled from the Labour Party? Which party are you joining next?

  2. Labour Voter voted Lib Dem at the General Election and is pleased at the outcome! On Radio 5 today!

  3. Why were you expelled by the Lib Dems and suspended by the Labour Party?
