Wednesday 4 November 2009

Toyota and F1

Today the news broke that Toyota are going be withdrawing from F1 and there is a possibility that Renault may follow.

For some they will see this as a death nail to F1 with BMW having withdrawn earlier this year the sport is moving back to time without the big manufacturers.

In the 1970's when the sport was at its pinnacle all the teams were small indepentant teams with the likes of Hesketh, Walter Wolf and Arrows mixing it with the likes of Ferrari and Lotus.

in 2010 the Lotus name returns to the sport with the help of Malaysian backing and the amazing Nino Singh Judge and Steve Kenington both engineers who ran Hakkinien and Senna in Lotus F1 teams.

Also 2010 sees a new entrant to F1 in John Booth's Manor with backing from Virgin.

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