Wednesday 14 October 2009

Mandleson is spot on with the post

Lord Mandleson the Business Secretary is spot on with his condeming of the decsion of the Communications Workers Union to hold a national strike of our postal services.

When you are working in a organisation with a shrinking market share the last thing that you would want to do is anything to annoy the customers on which the business you work for depends in order to pay your wages.

Not only will the major users of the Royal Mail such as Amazon be effected and possibly jump ship to the likes of UK Mail, DHL or another of the Courier companies but cash flow of small business that depend on the Royal Mail for important documents also suffer.

Luckly Electronic Funds Transfer and the advent of paypal means that relience on the check is something of a thing of the past but for a small ebay trader the postal strike puts his very livelyhood at risk.

The CWU members might as well not only walk out onto the picket lines but keep walking till they get to the Job Centre as they are effectively putting themselves on to the dole by there actions.

Good luck to Lord Mandleson is trying to make the CWU see some sense.

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