Sunday 25 October 2009

A productive weekend

Sunday evenings are always a good chance to reflect on the weekends events this particular weekend has gone rather well.

I really can not remember much of friday night as after the gym was shattered and ended up going to bed early.

Saturday was good after a gentle work out headed to my consitiuency to talk to the electorate and the response was pretty positive more Labour supporters than anything else.

Sat evening was spent with Katy at her new flat in Harleston nice flat bit of a quiet place Harleston a town really in the middle of nowhere half way between Norwich and Ipswich.

Today thanks to changing clocks which was something that the UK Government introduced during the 2nd World War yet never got round to changing I had an extra hour in bed.

It would make sense to leave the clocks on British Summer Time meaning more light in the evenings and less use of energy.

Had a mega workout in the Gym before heading down to Snetterton to see Jodie, Rich and Ben who I have not seen for yonks.

Finally got the holes dug for the posts for the new fence not long now and it will be up.

Time to sit down to that roast dinner.

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